C-1 Visa: Temporary Journalism News Coverage

Admin+63 쪽지
  • 조회 수 324

C-1 Visa profile.jpg




C-1 Visa

Temporary Journalism/News Coverage

Work Permission    Invite Family    National Health Insurance


Eligible Applicants

  • Those seeking to collect news materials for a short period of time that are dispatched by foreign journalistic organizations such as newspaper, broadcasting station, magazine, etc.
  • Those seeking to collect news materials for a short period of time in accordance with the contract with foreign journalistic organizations.
  • Those seeking short term stay for arrangement of a branch of foreign journalistic organization. (if they wish to stay after the establishment, they must apply for D-5 status) 


Required Documents

  1. Visa application form
  2. Valid Passport (Original)
  3. Recent passport size photo (3.5 x 4.5 cm)
  4. Temporary Duty Order or Statement of Employment issued by the company employing the applicant or Certificate of Foreign News Reporter
  5. Invitation letter and Business Registration Certificate of Korean inviter (if applicable)
  6. Visa Fee



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