F-1 Visa: Visiting and Joining Family

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  • 조회 수 178

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F-1 Visa

Visiting and Joining Family

Work Permission    Invite Family    National Health Insurance


Visa Validity 

 90 days


Who can sponsor the visa:

  • D-2 (Student- University, Masters, PhD) visa holders who have stayed in Korea for at least 6 months
  • F-2 and F-5 visa holders living in Korea legally
  • D-5, D-7, D-8, and D-9 visa holders who have an income which reaches 2x the Korean GNI.
  • Those entering Korea through investment, with a minimum capital of 300 million won and have resided in Korea for at least 6 months

Who they can invite

  • Parents, siblings of D-2 (student- University, Masters, PhD) visa holders
  • Parents, siblings who have a daughter/son who are married to Koreans
  • Spouse of the visa holder that can sponsor the visa
  • Parents, siblings, spouses and children of E7 employees


Required Documents

From the sponsoring relative (visa holder in Korea)

  1. Copy of the Passport with the sponsor's signature 
  2. Original Invitation letter signed by the sponsoring relative
  3. Guarantee letter signed by the sponsoring relative
  4. Resident Card (ARC) of sponsoring relative (copy of back and front)
  5. Proof of study or employment

From the invitee

  1. Visa Application Form
  2. Recent Passport size photo (3.5 x 4.5 cm, colored)
  3. Passport (Original and Copy of biopage)
  4. Documents Proving Relationship of Family or Relatives
    1. Marriage Certificate
    2. Permanent Cesus Registration
    3. Birth Certificate
  5. Letter of Personal Reference Document (Notarized by the Notary Public in Korea 신원보증서)
  6. Visa Fee


How to apply



Visa Restrictions


F-1 Visa VS F-3 Visa


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