C-3-1 Visa: Short-term General Tourist

Admin+63 쪽지
  • 조회 수 419

C-3-1 Visa profile.jpg

This visa is for those who wish to visit Korea for general tourism or for conferences or short trainings 

C-3-1 Visa

Short-term General Tourist

Work Permission    Invite Family    National Health Insurance


General Required Documents:

Please visit your country's Korean Embassy's website for the most accurate list of requirements

  1. Visa Application form
  2. Recently Passport sized Photo
  3. Valid Passport (Original and Copy)
  4. Birth Certificate (Original and Copy)
  5. Proof of Financial Capacity
    1. Bank Statement for the last 3 months
    2. Bank Certificate
    3. Photocopy of Business Permit (If applicable)
  6. For employees: Proof of Employment (If applicable)
    1. Income Tax Return
    2. Original Certificate of Employment (must include name, position, date hired, compensation, office address, HR contact number)
  7. For students
    1. School Certificate
    2. Copy of School ID
    3. Parent's Marriage Certificate
    4. Parent's Employment Certificate
    5. Parent's Business Registration
  8. Photocopy of Valid visas and arrival stamps to OECD member countries for the past 5 years (Original and Copy) If applicable
  9. Other Documents supporting your trip
  10. Visa Fee


Additional Documents

For those invited to Korea by a Korean Citizen

  • Invitation letter written in Korean
  • Photocopy of the inviter's Passport or Citizen ID

For those invited by a Korean company

  • Invitation letter issued by the Korean company (must include the date, purpose, duration of visit, etc.)
  • Copy of Business Registration Certificate 

For those invited for an event/ conference/ training in Korea

  • Invitation letter issued by the Korean company (must include the date, purpose, duration of visit, etc.)
  • Copy of Business Registration Certificate

For those invited by a relative working in Korea

For those invited by a Korean sister/brother in law

  • Invitation letter in Korean
  • Copy of inviter's Korean Certificate of Marriage
  • Copy of inviter's Passport biopage or Citizen ID 


How to apply at the embassy or consulate

  • Step 1: Find the nearest Korean Embassy or consulate in your home country
  • Step 2: Verify the required documents to apply for the visa
  • Step 3: Make an appointment with the Korean embassy, consulate, or designated visa application center if it is needed
  • Step 4: Visit the Korean embassy, consulate, or visa application center on your appointed date. Do not forget to bring the documents
  • Step 5: Wait for your turn (some places would need you to take a number)
  • Step 6: Once it is your turn, go to the assigned window and submit the documents. The staff will check your documents and they may also ask you a few questions. 
  • Step 7: If your application has been accepted, you will be given a document with the date when you will claim your passport
  • Step 8: On the claiming date, visit the embassy or consulate at the designated time
  • Step 9: Wait for your turn to claim your passport
  • Step 10: Once you have claimed the passport, check if you have received the visa and if the information on the visa is correct


Alternatively, you can also go through a travel agency so they can apply for the visa for you



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