F-3-1 Visa: Dependent Family Visa

Admin+63 쪽지
  • 조회 수 239

F3 Visa profile.jpg

Spouse and Minor Children of korean Nationals or a Foreigner working in Korea. This visa can be applied from your home country or in Korea.

F-3-1 Visa

Dependent Family

Work Permission    Invite Family    National Health Insurance



Who can apply:

Spouse or unmarried dependent children (age below 19) of the following visa holders:

D-1 (Culture/Art), D-2 (Study), D-4 (General Training), D-6 (Religious Work), D-7 (Company Transfer), D-8 (Investor), D-9(Treaty Trade), E-1 (Professor), E-3 (Researcher), E-2 (Foreign Language Instructor), E-3 (Researcher), E-4 (Technical Instructor), E-5 (Professional), E-6 (Entertainer), E-7(Foreign National of Special Ability)

Duration of Stay

Period designated by the applicant.
The visa issued can be valid for 3 months to 1 year and can be extended as long as the main visa holder still has a valid visa.

Required Documents for F-3 Visa

Method 1: Direct Application

The applicant: The spouse who wants to visit korea
Where to apply: Korean Embassy or Consulate in the applicant's home country

  • Application for the Visa Issuance
  • Passport (Original and Copy of Biopage)
  • Colored Passport Photo (3.5 x 4.5 cm) 1pc
  • Copy of the Spouse's Resident Card
  • Documents proving the family relations (Original and Copy)
    -Marriage Certificate, Certification on Family Relations records (in English)
    -Chinese nationals must submti a resident card, Marriage Certificatem or Consus result
  • Documents supporting your Financial Capacity
    -Proof of Employment by the inviter, Tax payment certificate
    -If you are unable to submit the tax payment certificate (for D-visa applicants) you can submit other financial documents.
  • Health Condition Report
  • Application Fee
  • Tuberculosis Test Result (for certain countries)
  • The Embassy may require additional documents depending on the country or if it deemed necessary for the visa evaluation

Steps on how to apply for F-3-1 visa (Method 1)



Method 2: Eligibility for Visa Issuance Confirmation

The applicant: The inviting party (main visa holder already staying in Korea)
Where to apply: Local Immigration Office in Korea

  • Application Form
  • Copy of the passport of the spouse
  • Colored Passport Photo (3.5 x 4.5 cm)
  • Tax payment certificate
  • Certificate of Employment
  • Bank statement proving the inviter can financially support his/her family
  • Documents proving family relations (original and copy)
    -Marriage Certificate, Birth Certificate, etc
  • Resident Card of the main visa holder (original and copy)
  • Korean Immigration may require additional documents if deemed necessary for the visa evaluation

Steps on how to apply for F-3-1 visa (Method 2)




Work Restrictions:


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