F-2-7 Visa: Long Term Resident

Admin+63 쪽지
  • 조회 수 843

F2 Visa profile.jpg

F2 visas are for people who intend to stay in Korea for a long time to obtain permanent residence status. The F-2-7 is a points-based resident visa. The applicant must reach at least 80 points in order to qualify.

F-2-7 Visa

Long Term Resident

Work Permission    Invite Family    National Health Insurance




Benefits of having an F-2-7 visa:

  • You own your visa; the visa is not tied to a sponsor (company, spouse or school) so you can quit your job or get divorced and not immediately lose your visa.
  • You can engage in other economic activities; Freelancing.
  • You can start a business in Korea.
  • Your spouse and children are able to get F-2 visas as well.
  • You can apply for F-5 visas after 3 years of maintaining the F-2-7 visa.
  • F-2 visa holders can stay outside Korea for 1 year without losing their visa


Who can apply for F-2-7:

  • D-2, D-5, D-6, D-7, D-8, D-10, E-1, E-2, E-3, E-4, E-5, E-6, E-7, F-6 visa holders
    (except E-6-2, E-7-2, E-7-3, E-7-4)


Qualifications to apply for F-2-7:

  • Must have maintained the same visa and resided in Korea for 3 consecutive years
  • OR Graduated from a Master's or PhD program in Korea and are qualified for an E-type visa (E1, E2, E7, etc.)*
  • OR Has a yearly salary of 40 million won or higher

*GKS Masters or PhD students have reported that they may apply for the F2 visa even without securing work.

Required Documents for F-2-7:

From the Applicant

From the Employer

  • Proof of Employment
  • Certificate of Business Permit
  • Tax Clearance Certificate
  • Local Tax Clearance Certificate
    지방세 납세증명서
  • Job Contract 근로계약서 (copy)  


The immigration officer might still ask for other documents apart from the ones listed above.

Application Fee:

Processing fee: 100,000 won
Resident Card: 30,000 won
Delivery fee: 4,000 won

Total: 134,000 won

Points System:

Points Chart: Download Here

For the F-2-7 visa, points are based on several categories

  • Age
  • Education
  • Korean Ability: TOPIK or KIIP are both accepted
  • Tax Paid
  • Additional Points: This could be from ministry recommendations, volunteering, or finishing KIIP


Tips to gain more points for F2:

  • Enroll and finish the Korean Immigration Integration Program (KIIP) to gain additional points
  • Alternatively, getting a high TOPIK score can give you higher points
  • Obtain a recommendation letter from a ministry
  • Volunteer at organizations accredited by 1365

Steps for F-2 Visa Application

  • Step 1: Gather all the necessary documents for the application and check if you have reached 80 points
  • Step 2:  Make a reservation to visit the immigration office assigned to your district
  • Step 3: Visit the immigration office at the appointed time and date
  • Step 4: Wait for your number to be called
  • Step 5: Once called, go to the assigned counter and submit the documents
  • Step 6: The immigration officer will check your documents and points if you are qualified for the visa, questions may also be asked for verification.
  • Step 7: If there are no additional documents necessary and the immigration officer accepts your application, pay for the visa stamps and other fees at the designated stall. 
    - Only cash is accepted for the visa stamp, and the payment for the Resident Card is done at the ATM.
    - Tell the immigration officer if you want the card to be delivered to a specific address.
  • Step 8: You will receive an application confirmation document. You may be asked to go and get your finger prints scanned.
  • Step 9: Usually, if you do not get a call from immigration, it means that there is no problem with your application. The officer will only call to ask for additional documents or ask follow up questions.
  • Step 10: You can check if your visa has been processed at the HiKorea website
  • Step 11: Once successful, you can call to verify if your application was successful and when you can pick up the Resident Card.
  • Step 12: Visit the immigration office to pick up your Resident Card. OR if you chose to have the card delivered, it will be delivered to your chosen address, but you must be physically present to accept and sign for the card.

Visa Processing time:

It usually takes 4-8 weeks depending on the season and immigration office

Duration of Stay

The duration of stay or sojourn granted is dependent on the number of points the applicant has accumulated

Points OR Tax Points Sojourn
130 + OR 50+ 5 years
120 ~ 129 OR 45+ 3 years
110 ~ 119 OR 40+ 2 years
80 ~ 109 OR 30 or below 1 year

D-2-7 visa holders that have changed their visas to F-2-7 may automatically be granted 3 years on their first application

Work Restrictions:

  • F2 visa holders can work in most fields and industries, but it is unclear if they are allowed to work in simple or elementary jobs 단순노무(food service, construction, manufacturing, etc.).
  • F-2-7 visa holders may not be allowed to apply for Permanent residency (F-5 visa) for 3 years if they have worked for elementary jobs 단순노무



  • The applicant must reach 80 points in order for the visa to be extended 
  • In order for the applicant to extend the visa, they must also earn at least the minimum wage for the current year (based on the income on the previous tax year). In cases where the applicant does not meet the requirement, a grace period of 6 months (maximum 1 year) may be granted.
  • Grace Period: Even if the total number of points is less than 80, or the applicant is employed and earning more than the minimum wage, the applicant may be granted an extension of 1 more year.
  • In order for the applicant's spouse or child to be eligible for work, the applicant's income must reach the GNI.
  • If the applicant is also not allowed to have no economic activity for more than 6 months. 
  • The applicant's visa will be changed to a D-10 visa if they fail to extend the F-2-7 visa


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