D-4 Visa: Korean Language Student

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  • 조회 수 676

D4 Visa Profile.jpg

D-4-1 Visa

Korean Language Trainee

Work Permission    Invite Family    National Health Insurance

The D4 visa is generally for those who intend to receive education or training or engage in research activities at an educational institution, company, organization, or other qualified institution or Institutions for academic research.

The D-4-1 is specifically for foreigners who intend to study Korean in Korea.


Qualifications | Who can apply:

Foreigners who want to learn Korean and have been accepted into a Language program in Korea.


Common Required Documents for D-4-1 visa:

Please check the Korean embassy's website for the official list of required documents 

From the Applicant

  • Application form
  • Passport (Original and Copy of Bio page)
  • 1 pc Passport size colored photo
  • Valid Visa and Arrival stamps to OECD member countries for the past 5 years (Original and copy)
  • Last School Record - Transcript (Original)
  • Birth Certificate (Original)
  • Proof of Accommodations in Korea
  • Financial Supporting Documents 재정능력입증서류 (if no scholarship grant)
    • Original Employment Certificate of Parents (issued within 30 days)
    • Original Bank Certificate of Parents/Applicant (issued within 30 days)
    • The required amount may differ depending on the school


From the School in Korea

  • Admission Certificate 표준입학허가서 from the School in Korea (issued within 30 days)
  • Certificate of Enrollment 재학증명서 또는 최종학력입증서류
  • Business Permit of the School in Korea 교육기관 사업자등록증 또는 고유번호증 사본
  • Scholarship Exchange Agreement (for exchange students only)

Visa Fee: The amount varies per country

Additional Documents:

Other documents may be requested by the immigration officer. The age of the applicant, as well as the necessity of the language program shall be considered.

  • Certificate of TB (tuberculosis) Screening issued from hospitals designated by the embassy
    • All applicants of long-term visa(90 days above) from the mentioned 35 countries below will be required to submit Certificate of TB (tuberculosis) Screening issued from hospitals designated by the embassy. 

      <35 Countries>

      Angola, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Cambodia, China, Congo, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Malaysia, Moldova, Mongolia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Russia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor Leste, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Zimbabwe.

  • ** TB treatment history, Signs & Symptoms suggestive of TB, and Chest X-ray result are mandatory from Dec. 1, 2022


Steps for D4 Visa Application:

  • Step 1: Gather all required documents
  • Step 2: Check if you need to make a reservation for the Korean Embassy/Consulate of your home country
  • Step 3: Visit the Embassy or Immigration Office along with your documents, valid ID, and visa processing fee
  • Step 4: Ask if you need to take a number or queue for your turn
  • Step 5: Wait until you are called, then go to the window and give the documents to the staff
  • Step 6: Wait for further instructions or if you need to submit additional documents.
  • Step 8: If your there are no additional documents needed, pay the processing fee and ask when the results will be released. You might be given a piece of paper that will indicate when you have to return to pick up your passport.
  • It might take a few days for the visa to be processed (around 5-10 days)
  • Step 9: Go back to the Embassy on the scheduled release date. 
  • Step 10: Once you pick up your passport, check if you have recieved the visa sticker. If the visa has been granted, check if the details on the sticker are correct (name, birth date, passport number, validity date, etc.)


If the applicant intends to stay in Korea for 90 days or longer, they are required to make a Resident Card (formerly Alien Registration Card ARC).


Visa Work Restrictions:

  • D4 visa holders are not allowed to work or take part-time jobs for the first 6 months of their stay in Korea.
  • After 6 months, the student must apply for permission from both the School and Korean Immigration if they intend to work part-time.

Related Article: How to apply for part-time work permission

Common Required Documents for Work Permission:

  • Residence Card (ARC)
  • Application Form
  • Passport
  • Letter of Recommendation from the School
  • Transcript from previous semester
  • Official TOPIK Score Report if Applicable
  • Certificate of Business Registration of workplace (copy)
  • Standard Employment Contract (Working hours, period, wage, responsibilities must be stated. The Employer and Student's signatures are also needed).
  • Part-time Work of Foreign Student Confirmation Form


Invite Family

Students may invite their spouse or dependent children into Korea, and they may apply for an F-3-1 Family Dependency visa


Types of D-4 Visas:

  • D-4-1: Korean Language Trainee
  • D-4-2: General Training
  • D-4-3: Elementary/Middle/High school student
  • D-4-4: 
  • D-4-5: Trainee Chef (Korean Cuisine)
  • D-4-6: General Trainee (Private Institute)
  • D-4-7: Foreign Language Trainee
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