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How to tell restaurants in Korea about food restrictions

Admin+63 쪽지
  • 조회 수 794

Food Restrictions Korea.jpg

Traveling to South Korea is an exhilarating adventure for food enthusiasts. However, if you have food allergies or dietary restrictions, communicating your needs can be challenging. Unlike some Western countries, South Korea may not always be as allergy-aware, and certain ingredients may lurk in unsuspecting dishes. The risk of cross-contamination remains. But fret not! We'll explore practical tips on how to express your food allergies and restrictions effectively, ensuring your culinary journey through Korea is not only memorable but safe. By using a few key phrases, you can savor Korean cuisine without worrying about an unexpected visit to the hospital. But be sure to bring along allergy medicine, just in case.

 Navigating Korea with Food Allergies

Korean phrases you could use to say you have allergies:

While restaurants may not always be able to accommodate such requests, it's still advisable to inquire if you can.

  • Allergy = /aller-gi/ 알레르기
  • I'm allergic to (____)
    Jonun (____) aller-gi ga issoyo 
    저는 (_____) 알레르기가 있어요
  • I can't eat (____)
    Jonun (____) mogul su opsoyo
    저는 (____) 먹을 수 없어요
  • I can't eat food that contain (____)
    Jonun (____) duro inun umshig mogul su opsoyo
    저는 (____) 들어 있는 음식 먹을 수 없어요
  • Please remove (____)
    (____) bbae juseyo 
  • Does this contain (____)?
    (____) duro issoyo?
    (____) 들어 있어요?


Common allergens in Korean

  • Beef - So Gogi 소고기
  • Carrot - Dang-gun당근
  • Celery - Selery 셀레리
  • Chicken - Ddak Gogi 닭고기
  • Crustaceans - Kamkaryu  갑각류
  • Cucumber - O-ee 오이 
  • Egg - Gyeran 계란
  • Fish - Saeng son 생선
  • Flour - Mil karu 밀가루
  • Gluten - Gluten 글루텐
  • Innards - Naejang 내장 
  • Kiwi - Kiwi 키위
  • Meat - Gogi 고기
  • Milk - Ooyoo 우유
  • Onion - Yang pa 양파
  • Peanut - Ddangkong 땅콩
  • Pork - Dweji Gogi 돼지고기
  • Seafood - Haesanmul 해산물
  • Soy - Kong 콩 / Daedu 대두
  • Soy Milk - Duyu 두유
  • Strawberry - Ttalgi 딸기
  • Sweet Potato - 고구마
  • Sesame - Cham kke 참께
  • Shellfish - Joge ryu 조개류
  • Tomato - To ma to토마토
  • Tree Nut - Gyeongwaryu 견과류
  • Wheat - Mil 밀



Sample Sentences:

  1. I have an egg allergy.
    Jonun Gyeran aller-gi ga issoyo 
    "저는 계란 알레르기가 있어요."
  2. I have a milk allergy.
    Jonun Ooyoo aller-gi ga issoyo 
    "저는 우유 알레르기가 있어요."
  3. I have a peanut allergy.
    Jonun Ddang kong aller-gi ga issoyo
    "저는 땅콩 알레르기가 있어요."
  4. I can't eat food that contains soy
    Jonun Kong duro ineun umshig mogeul su opsoyo 
    "저는 들어 있는 음식을 먹을 수 없어요."
  5. I can't eat food that contains wheat
    Jonun Mil duro ineun umshig mogeul su opsoyo
    "저는 들어 있는 음식을 먹을 수 없어요." 
  6. I can't eat food that contains Carrots
    Jonun Dang-gun duro ineun umshigeul mogul su opsoyo 
    "저는 당근 들어 있는 음식을 먹을 수 없어요." 



 Here's an illustration you can print for your trip.


Common Food Allergies.jpg

 Celiac Gluten Free.jpg


 Let us know which allergies or food restrictions we should add

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