Essential Korean phrases for Tourists

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Basic Korean Phrases for Tourists.jpg

 Basic Korean Phrases for Travelers

Traveling to a new country is both exciting and a bit nerve-wracking, especially when you're in an unfamiliar place with a language you don't understand. To make your trip to South Korea smoother and more enjoyable, it's crucial to prepare in advance. In this article, we'll introduce you to some common Korean phrases that will help you communicate and connect with locals. These phrases will not only break down language barriers but also enhance your travel experiences. So, get ready to explore South Korea with confidence, knowing you have some handy phrases up your sleeve to make your journey unforgettable.

You can print this simple image to take along with you during your trip


Basic Korean for travelers.jpg



 Common Phrases

  1. Hello - Annyeonghaseyo 안녕하세요 
  2. Thank you -Kamsa hamnida 감사합니다
  3. Sorry - Mianheyo 미안해요
  4. Sorry - Jo-e song heyo 죄송해요
  5. Yes - Ne
  6. No - Aniyo 아니요 
  7. Help - Towa juseyo 도와주세요
  8. It hurts - Apayo 아파요
  9. I feel sick - Mom-i apayo 몸이 아파요
  10. How much is this? - I-go olmayeyo? 이거 얼마예요?
  11. Do you take card (for payment)? Kadu dweyo? 카드 돼요?
  12. Just this please (when buying) - I-go man juseyo 이거만 주세요
  13. Please split it in half (for 2 people) - Pan pan he juseyo 반반 해주세요
  14. Can we pay the bill separately? Ttaro ttaro kyeolje hal su issul kka yo? 따로 따로 결제 할 수 있을 까요?


Where is - ___ odiyeyo / odi isoyo?

  1. Where is the toilet? - Hwajngshil odi issoyo? 화장실 어디 있어요?
  2. Is there an elevator? - Elebeito issoyo? 엘레베이터 있나요?
  3. Where is this place? - Hokshi, i-go odi issoyo? 혹시 이 곳이 어디 있어요?
  4. Where is the subway station? - Jihachol yok odi issoyo? 지하철역 어디 있어요?
  5. How do I go to this place? - Yogi-e ottoke kayo? 여기에 어떻게 가요?


In the Taxi

  1. Please take me to (_Location_) - (__Location___) Ka juseyo (____) 가주세요
  2. Please let me off here. Yogi sewo juseyo 여기 세워주세요



  1. Subway station - Jihachol 지하철역
  2. Bus stop - Busu jongnyu jang 버스 정류장 
  3. Embassy - Daesakwan 대사관
  4. Bank - Eunhaeng 은행
  5. Police station - Kyeongchalso 경찰서 
  6. Hospital - Byeongwon 병원 
  7. Toilet - Hwajangsil 화장실
  8. Hotel - Hotel 호텔
  9. Pharmacy - Yakguk 약국
  10. Dentist - Chi kwa 치과



  1. Can I take a picture? Sajin jjiko do dweyo? 사진 찍어도 돼요?
  2. Can you take a photo of me/us? Sajin jjiko jushi geseyo? 사진 찍어주시겠어요?
  3. Can I try this on? I-go ibo bwa do dweyo? 이거 입어봐도 돼요?



  1. Do you have forks? Fo-ku isoyo? 포크 있어요?
  2. Spicy - Maewoyo 매워요
  3. Non-Spicy - An Maewo 안매워 
  4. Is this spicy? Igo maewody? 이거 매워요?
  5. Please make it non-spicy. Maepji anke he juseyo 맵지 않게 해주세요
  6. Can we get some water please? Mul jum jusigyesoyo? 물 좀 주시겠어요?
  7. I'm vegetarian, does this have meat? - Jo chueshik juija inde hokshi igo gogi duro issoyo? 저 최식주의자인데 혹시 이거 고기 들어 있어요?
  8. I'm allergic to (____) , can I eat this? Jo (___) aller-gi inunde, igo mog-ul su inayo? 저 (_____) 알레르기 있는데 혹시 이거 먹을 수 있나요?
  9. I can't eat (_____). Jo (___) mogul su opsoyo. 저 (____) 먹을 수 없어요 
    1. Pork - Dweji Gogi 되지 고기
    2. Beef - So Gogi 소고기
    3. Chicken - Ddak Gogi 닭고기
    4. Seafood - Haemul 해물
    5. Bread - Bbang
    6. Fruit - Kwa-il 과일
    7. Peanut - Ttang Kong 땅공
    8. Raw Fish - Saengson Hwe 생선 회
    9. Shrimp - Sae-oo 새우
    10. Milk - Ooyoo우유
    11. Alcohol - Sool 술 




Things cashiers say during your transaction

  1. Pongtu pilyo haseyo? 봉투 필요하세요? Do you need a bag?
  2. Dushigo kaseyo? 드시고 가세요? For dine in?
  3. Yongsujung pilyo haseyo? 용수증 필요하세요? Do you need a receipt?
  4. Jongnip haseyo? 정립하세요? Do you have membership?


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