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Noryangjin Fisheries Wholesale Market (노량진수산물도매시장)

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Opened in 1927 on Uiju-ro Street next to Seoul Station, Noryangjin Fishery Market is one of Korea's largest seafood markets. It was moved to the newly constructed building in 1971 in Noryangjin with the Fisheries Cooperative Association taking over the market to promote the fishing industry as well as increase fishing income in 2002. In addition, they started modernizing projects that made Noryangjin Fishery Market a leading fishery market in Korea. The market handles about 50% of metropolitan volume and trades 250 to 300 tons of fishery products every day. The prices of fishery products are decided according to quantity so one is recommended to visit the official website to check the bid. General retail prices are 10 to 20% higher than the auction prices. The market is a mix of wholesale and retail stores and has a lively atmosphere, especially in the early morning from 1 a.m. to 3 a.m., when the live fish auction takes place.




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