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KIIP Level 0 - Chapter 0 english Review

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Level0: Basic Korean 기초

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Korean Characters: Hangeul 한글

Hangeul is the Korean Alphabet. It is similar to the english alphabet, where each letter represents a different sound. But unlike the english alphabet, each written character represents a syllable

Vowels (Moeum|모음)


Consonants (Cha eum|자음)


Syllables (Eumjeol|음절)

How to write in Korean

Basic Word Practice:


Hangeul Pronunciation Meaning
Ka To go
가방 Kabang Bag
나무 Namu Tree
나이 Nai Age
만나 Manna To meet
Yak Medicine
이름 Ireum Name
Byeong Bottle
휴지 Hyuji Tissue




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