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KIIP Level 5 Chapter 1 English Review

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KIIP level 5 chapter 1: Symbols of Korea


  1. 상징 - Symbol
  2. 대한민국 - The Republic of Korea
  3. 한자 - Chinese Character
  4. 남한 - South Korea
  5. 태극기 - The South Korean Flag 
  6. 밝음 - Brightness
  7. 순수 - Purity
  8. 평화 - Peace 
  9. 존귀 - Nobility
  10. 우주 - Universe
  11. 애국가 - National Anthem of Korea
  12. 국기 - Flag
  13. 국가 - Nation

KIIP Level 5 Chapter 1 Section 1: 대한민국의 국기와 국가는?

Korean Flag.jpgEnglish Translation

The official name of Korea is 대한민국. 한국 is the shortened form of 대한민국. In hanja, it is 大韓民國, in English it is called The Republic of Korea. In general, it is called 남한 or South Korea, which is a name used to distinguish it from North Korea. The current name of the Republic of Korea has been in use since 1948. 

The national flag of the Republic of Korea is called the 태극기 (太極旗). The 태국기 has a white background with a red and blue 태극 motif in the center and 4 black trigrams (4괘) in the corners. The white background represents brightness (밝음), purity (순수), and love for peace (평화). The red in the central Taegeuk motif represents  nobility (존귀), and the blue represents hope (희망). The combination of red and blue represents a harmonious universe (조화로운 우주). The 4괘 around it represent the sky (간), the earth (곤), water (감), and fire (리), emphasizing the harmony of nature. Considering these meanings, it can be seen that the 태극기 emphasizes peace and harmony (평화와 화합). In Korea, it is common to hang the 태극기 on the side of your house door or window on national holidays or national anniversaries. 

Each country has a national anthem that symbolizes the country. In the Republic of Korea, the national anthem is called 애국가, which means "love of country" (나라를 사랑하는 노래). The 애국가, which has been in use for about 100 years, has a total of 4 verses (4절), but only the first verse is sung except for important national events.


애국가 - National Anthem of South Korea

1절 : 동해물과 백두산이 마르고 닳도록 하느님이 보우하사 우리나라 만세
2절 : 남산 위에 저 소나무 철갑을 두른 듯 바람서리 불변함은 우리 기상일세
3절 : 가을 하늘 공활한데 높고 구름 없이 밝은 달은 우리 가슴 일편단심일세
4절 : 이 기상과 이 맘으로 충성을 다하여 괴로우나 즐거우나 나라 사랑하세

후렴(각 절마다) : 무궁화 삼천리 화려강산 대한사람 대한으로 길이 보전하세

English Translation:

1절: Until the East Sea's waves are dry, Mt. Baekdu worn away, God watch o'er our land forever, our Korea manse.
2절: Like that Mt. Namsan armoured pine, standing on duty still, wind or frost, unchanging ever, be our resolute will.
3절: In autumn's, arching evening sky, crystal and cloudless blue; be the radiant moon our spirit, steadfast, single and true.
4절: With such a will, such a spirit, loyalty, heart and hand, Let us love, come grief, come gladness, this our beloved land.

Refrain (after every verse): Rose of Sharon, thousand miles of range and river land;
Guarded by her people, ever may Korea stand. 

국기에 대한 맹세 Pledge to the Flag

In Korea, during important events, we salute the Taegukgi. The right hand is placed over the left side of the chest and recite the pledge as follows:

Korean Version

“ 나 는 자랑스러운 태극기 앞에 자유롭고 정의로운 대한민국의 무궁한 영광을 위하여 충성을 다할 것을 굳게 다짐합니다.”

English Translation

"I firmly pledge to dedicate myself to the everlasting glory of the Republic of Korea, a free and just nation, in front of the proud Taegukgi, and to remain loyal."

KIIP Level 5 Chapter 1 Section 2:


  1. 영원히 - Forever / Eternally
  2. 피다 - Bloom
  3. 활짝 피다 - Burst into Bloom
  4. 활용하다 - To use
  5. 의해 - Will
  6. 자음 - Consonant
  7. 모음 - Vowel
  8. 기관 - Organization
  9. 정부 - Government
  10. 문맹 - Illiteracy
  11. 정신 문맹퇴치사업 일제 강점기 - Japanese Occupation
  12. 순국선열 - Martyr
  13. 최초의 헌법 - First Constitution
  14. 제정된 - Established


In South Korea, the national flower symbol is the "무궁화" (Hibiscus syriacus or Rose of Sharon). The name "무궁화" means “a flower that blooms forever without withering” (‘영원히 피고 또 피어서 지지 않는 꽃’). In reality, the 무궁화 usually blooms daily between July and October, and a single tree can have around two thousand flowers. It has been the beloved national flower of Korea for a long time. Additionally, the shape of the fully bloomed five-petaled Mugunghwa is used as the symbol of the South Korean government.

The Korean writing system, "한글" was created approximately 600 years ago during the reign of King Sejong (세종대왕). Hangul is a scientific phonetic writing system that combines consonants (자음 14개) and vowels (모음 10개) to create characters. Consonants were designed based on the human vocal organs, while vowels were created by combining three elements: heaven 하늘 (·), earth 땅 (-), and human 사람 (ㅣ). When combined, there are 24 characters in total. 한글 is relatively easy to learn as you simply write down the sounds you hear. After the creation of Hangul, the illiteracy (문맹) rate deceased, and it greatly contributed to the development of Korean culture. UNESCO acknowledges the spirit of 한글 and awards the "Sejong Literacy Prize" (세종대왕상) to individuals or organizations with significant contributions to global literacy campaigns.


Korean National Holidays

  • March 1 (삼일절 Independence Movement Day) : A day commemorating the March 1st Movement of 1919, which arose during the Japanese colonial period to celebrate the cry for independence.
  • June 6 (현충일 Memorial Day) : A day to honor the patriotic martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the nation (early observance).
  • July 17 (제헌절 Constitution Day) : A day commemorating the establishment of the first Constitution in 1948.
  • August 15 (광복절 Liberation Day) : A day to celebrate the liberation from Japanese colonial rule in 1945.
  • October 3 (개천절 National Foundation Day) : A day to commemorate the founding of the nation by the ancestors on the Korean Peninsula.
  • October 9 (한글날 Hangul day) : A day to commemorate King Sejong's creation of Hangul, the Korean alphabet.

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