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Korean Life Consultant and Translator

Korean Life Consultant and Translator


카드 헤더


I am a KIIP social integration program consultant in the Republic of Korea and a licensed Korean to Russian and English translator, court and medical translation certified. I'm also a mom of three teenagers and an avid traveler.
A Korean passport opens a window to a world without borders • 186 countries to visit visa-free! By the way, here is an interesting article on this topic: South Korea Ranks Third In Passport Strength: What Does It Mean?
I decided to write this guide when I went through the Korean citizenship process myself. Using my experience, I want your path to South Korean citizenship to be easy and trouble free!
Of the three paths to Korean citizenship, the marriage path is described in more detail, as this was my case. If there is a different way for you and you still have questions, we can resolve them through a private consultation.


Contact Information
카드 바디


List of Services
  • Professional Language Services:
    • Expert Russian and English Translation Services
    • Certified Translation for Court and Medical related issues
  • Travel Expertise
    • Tailored Korean Trip planning and organization
    • Personal Seoul Guiding Services
  • Logistics Support
    • Assistance with Transportation arrangements in Korea
  • Advisory and Consultation
    • Advise on issues related to Korean visas
    • Documents (entry and exit)
    • Foreign passport services
    • Korean Residency and Permanent Residency Applications
    • School Admissions in Korea
    • Communication with consulates
    • Relocation Support
    • Tax Consultation
  • U.S Visa Assistance in Seoul


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