How to order food at Korean restaurants

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  • 조회 수 101

1. At the front of the restaurant, a server will usually ask how many people are in your group

2. Wait to be seated.

3. There are 2 common seating styles 

-seating on regular chairs

-floor seating

4. At the table, there is usually a wooden box that contains the chopsticks and spoons. If you cannot see this on the table, it might be in one of the compartments at the side of the table.

5. The server will bring you other utensils to be used for your meal. This would vary from plates, bowls, tongs, ladles, scissors, and even gas burners.

6. You will either be given a menu or the menu will be written on the walls

7. If you are ready to order, on the side of your table look for a button or bell than you can press to catch the server's attention. If there is no bell, simply call the server by shouting chogiyo (조기요 - excuse me) or if it is an older lady serving, don't call her ajumma, instead you can call her imo (이모 - auntie)

8. If you are given a piece of paper with menu items, simply write the number of servings next to the name of the food you want to eat. 
9. Wait for the food to be served to your table. Or if you are given a buzzer, wait for it to buzz then get your food at the serving window.

10. Enjoy your meal

11. Once you finish eating and are ready to pay the bill, simply bring the receipt to the counter  and pay by cash or card. If there was no receipt, you can simply tell the staff where you were seated and they can calculate from the counter.

12. In case you are eating at fast food restaurants, food courts, or places that have buzzers, you might have to clean up and bring your tray back to the tray station.

More and more  restaurants use kiosks for ordering food. In this case, the order number would be indicated on your receipt or a buzzer will be given to you. Wait for your number to be called, then pick up your order from the station.

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