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How to sort trash in South Korea

레야 쪽지
  • 조회 수 87

Each district would have their own set of rules for trash segregation or sorting. However here are the basics


There are 2 different trash bags to use. These trash bags are usually sold in local marts, convenience stores, or larger stationary stores. The price would depende on the size and quantity of the bags.

General Trash bags
일반 쓰레기 봉투 Ilban Ssuregi Pongtu
These usually contain 
Food Trash bags
음식물 쓰레기 봉투 Umsigmul Ssuregi Pongtu
Please note that Egg shells, Seeds, Hard fruit peels, Bones and other things that cannot be consumed by pigs are not considered as food trash.



Hard Plastic 플라스틱
PET or Clear Plastic, 투명플라스틱
Plastic Bags 비닐
Paper 종이
Boxes 박스
Glass/Cans 유리/캔
Electronic wastes (batteries and electronics)
You can often find these in the district or 구 office, 주민센터, or electronic stores

Large Furniture or electronics

For larger furniture or electronics such as beds, cabinets, microwaves, hair dryer, etc. You would need to go to the district office or Jumin center, or convenience store to purchase a sticker for larger trash. You need to stick this to the item you want to throw away so that it will be collected. Place the item in front of the building during trash collection time.

The sticker can also be purchased online.

Some people leave old or broken furniture or electronics outside thier homes and write 가져가세요 "Please take this with you" before they register for the sticker to save on expenses.  Items will sometimes be taken by other people to be sold or repaired.


Expired meds can be taken to the Pharmacy 약국 to be disposed of


Knives and Broken Glass

Wrap sharp objects or the blades of knives with a thick paper and tape, write 칼 (knife) so that the people collecting the trash will not be injured while handling your trash

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