Grocery Shopping in Korea

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You know, when it comes to Korean grocery shopping, it's like stepping into a K-drama of flavors and choices. But have you ever found yourself blankly looking at your map, lost, asking yourself, where do you even shop for groceries in Korea? Well, fear not, because we're here to give you the 411 on where to shop.

Grocery stores or Supermarkets

Korean grocery stores are called Marts 마트. Just type in 마트 on your map and it will show you all the local marts, and major marts in the area. Here's a list of the major marts in Korea.

If you are visiting one of the major marts, be sure to check if they are open as most of them close on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month.

1. Emart 이마트


Emart seems to be the most popular supermarket chain around, as their image tends to suggest that they are the more affordable choice. Vegetables and meat are slightly less expensive compared to competitors, but still not as cheap as the ones found in local markets. Electronics and other devices are also available in larget branches. Emart also has their own bakery, pizza, and fresh food inside most stores. If you are looking for a discount on fresh food, go after 8 or 9 pm as they mark down the prices.
Order Online. Delivery is free if you total purchase is more than 40,000 won.
2. No brand 노브랜드

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Who needs fancy labels when you've got 'No Brand'? This was started and owned by Emart, the main intention is to bring quality products to consumers without the unecessary costs for branding. The products tend to be more affordable, however, there are only a few stores around Seoul.
You can also order online via the emart website or app.
3. Homeplus 홈플러스


Homeplus is another popular choice among Koreans. Some of their fresh produce are slightly more expensive, however, they constantly have 1000 won deals for snacks, and drinks. Meat is sold in larger quantities, but still cheaper per unit. They also have their own brand of products called "Homeplus Signature". Similar to Emart, homeplus also has their own bakery, and fresh food, they also tend to have sales after 8 or 9 pm.
Order Online. Delivery is free if you total purchase is more than 40,000 won.
Homeplus express 홈플러스익스프레스
You can find smaller versions of homeplus in your neighborhood. They usually carry household necessities such as fruits, vegetables, and other food items. But dont expect to find clothes, stationary, or appliances.   
4. Lotte Mart 롯데마트

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They are much smaller in scale compared to Emart and Homeplus, but it is a bit more convenient to go to if you have plans on going to shop for other items especially since they tend to be found inside lotte department stores. If you visit larget branches, you can find clothes, pet items, and appliances inside the stores as well. Lotte also has their own brand of products called "Only Price", they are also more affordable compared to other branded items.
Order Online. Delivery is free if you total purchase is more than 40,000 won.
Lotte super 롯테슈퍼
Lotte super is the smaller local version of Lotte Mart. You can still buy your basic food items such as fruits, vegetables, meat, cleaning items, etc. but don't expect to find larger electronics here. 
5. GS the fresh GS 더 프레시

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From experience, GS usually has higher prices compared to the other stores mentioned above. However, the freshness of their produce does make up for the price difference.
Order Online. Delivery is free if you total purchase is more than 40,000 won.

All around stores

1. Daiso 다이소


Daiso has anything and everything, from pots and pans, snacks, to stationary items. The best part is nothing is over 5,000 won.
2. Olive Young 올리브영

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Stock up on your favorite Korean Cosmetic items or discover new trends.
3. ArtBox 아트박스


Visit this quirky store for all your cute stationary needs. 

Convenience Stores

  • Emart24
  • GS
  • CU
  • 7 eleven
  • Ministop

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