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Application Deadline 2024-11-08
Company Name 유대준 JEONG JU-JUN
Company Address 59106 전남 완도군 군외면 당인길 44-1 (전남 완도군 군외면 당인리 254) (당인리)
Work Location 전라남도
Job Type 계약직
Salary Type 월급
Salary Monthly Wage: 2,070,000원+
Work Days 협의
Required Documents 이력서
How to Apply 방문
Representative 유대준 JEONG JU-JUN


Job Description

A seaweed farm

Job Requirements

A physically fit and diligent person

Working Hours

Working hours can be discussed 
※ detailed working hours
Flexible work according to weather conditions
six-day work week


Preferential treatment for foreigners

Other Notes

Dormitory (기숙사), Meals Provided 식사제공(중식비지급)



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