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Production workers for 2 shifts (working 8 hours a day) day and night of frozen dumplings as an event company for the day of job search meeting at Jeonju City Hall

assa72 Message
  • Views 11
Application Deadline 2024-10-13
Company Name 나래식품(주)
Company Address 55914 전북특별자치도 임실군 관촌면 춘향로 3270 (전북특별자치도 임실군 관촌면 병암리 125) (병암리)
Work Location 전라북도
Job Type 계약직
Salary Type 시급
Salary Hourly Wage: 9,860원
Work Days 월, 화, 수, 목, 금
Required Documents 이력서
Representative 전라북도 전주시청 에서 채용대행 중입니다. 정재리주무관
Phone Number 063-281-2812
팩스번호 063-281-2608


Job Description

Looking for 20 contract workers for frozen dumpling production workers (male and female irrelevant)
- Manufacturing frozen dumplings (hand dumpling molding, vegetable pretreatment, packaging work / noodle making room, mixing room)

Job Requirements

- Type of employment: 5 months contract worker (can be converted to regular worker after evaluation after contract expiration) 
(Work period: Until the end of February 25. from the date of contract- Full-time employee conversion is possible)

Working Hours

Working in 2 shifts day and night (weekly 09:00-18:00, night 18:00-04:30 / 5 days a week / average monthly KRW 2.4 to 2.6 million
(90 minutes of break time per day) 
- 100% bonus (50% of Gujeong and 50% of Chuseok) / If it is less than one year after converting to a regular worker, it is paid differently for each number of months.


- Migrants, foreigners / hope to work immediately.

Other Notes

4대보험, Commuter Bus (통근버스)
★★ Interviewers will be contacted by calling the Jeonju-si Job Support Center (T.281-2812) or applying for a job at Worknet ★★



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