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Technical staff related to hand drill - Hand drill processing staff

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Application Deadline 2024-09-30
Company Name 극동건드릴
Company Address 15612 경기 안산시 단원구 별망로 566 (경기 안산시 단원구 원시동 785-1) (주)극동건드릴 (원시동)
Work Location 경기도
Job Type 계약직
Salary Type 연봉
Salary Yearly Salary: 30,000,000원 ~ 31,000,000원
Work Days 월, 화, 수, 목, 금
Required Documents 이력서, 자기소개서
How to Apply 워크넷
Representative 김영미 | Kim Young-mi
Phone Number 031-499-9951


Job Description

Technical work (Hand Drill Process)
You can do it while learning even if you don't have experience

Job Requirements

Foreigners (E9 visa holder)

Working Hours

(Weekdays) 08:30~20:30 / 2 hours of rest time (extra payment of overtime pay based on 40 hours of weekly salary)
(Wednesday) 08:30~17:30 / 1 hour break
Break time ((afternoon) 12:00~(afternoon) 01:00)


A person who is sincere and able to work long-term

Other Notes

4대보험, 퇴직금, 식사제공



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