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Recruitment of paper production workers (regular workers)

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Application Deadline 2024-09-19
Company Name (주)송운사 Songunsa Co., Ltd
Company Address 10881 경기 파주시 문발로 35 (경기 파주시 문발동 538-1) (문발동, (주)송운사)
Work Location 경기도
Job Type 정규직
Salary Type 월급
Salary Monthly Salary 2,060,000원 ~ 2,060,000원
Work Days 월, 화, 수, 목, 금
Required Documents 이력서
Representative 심재권주무관
Phone Number 031-949-9811


Job Description

Recruitment of manufacturing paper production staff. (regular worker)
1) Assembling, manufacturing, and packaging boxes by hand when manufacturing package boxes
2) Finished product (box) pallet loading and wrapping work
3) Use pallet product loading and manual jockey to move pallets
4) Producing book covers, curenda, etc. and assisting in the captain's work

Job Requirements

* We only accept applications for worknet (employment 24).

Working Hours

8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m
-5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m
-7 p.m. to 9 p.m. during overtime (dinner provided at night)
-Break time ((afternoon) 12:00~(afternoon) 01:00)


Living near Paju, can go to and from work on one's own

Other Notes

Foreigners to be hired under the employment permit system after the Korean recruitment effort period.
4대보험, 연금보험, Company Bus (통근버스), Meals are provided (식사제공), 직원대출제도



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