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Recruitment for production (die casting foundry worker)

assa72 Message
  • Views 20
Application Deadline 2024-09-19
Company Name 주식회사 메카토닉 울산공장 Mechatonic Co., Ltd. Ulsan Factory
Company Address 44246 울산 북구 모듈화산업로 248 (울산 북구 연암동 1360) (주)메카토닉 (연암동) (연암동)
Work Location 울산광역시
Job Type 계약직
Salary Type 시급
Salary Hourly Salary 9,860원 +
Work Days 월, 화, 수, 목, 금
Required Documents 이력서
Representative Kim Mi-seon, Senior Manager
Phone Number 052-912-6060


Job Description

We are a company that manufactures automobile engine parts. We are recruiting full-time production workers who can work day/night and overtime.

Job Requirements

Diecasting Foundry Operator
Able to work day/night and overtime, able to commute on your own

Working Hours

08:00~17:00  / 20:00~08:00(잔업 포함시)


In the case of foreign support, only “legal” support is possible.

Other Notes

Family allowance, career allowance payment
Bonus payment after 1 year (holiday and summer vacation)
In-house cafeteria / Morning and afternoon break time
4 major insurances, retirement pension



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