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Hiring CNC lathe MCT milling operator

assa72 Message
  • Views 17
Application Deadline 2024-09-19
Company Name 주식회사조이 Joy Co., Ltd.
Company Address 15112 경기 시흥시 마유로70번길 53 (경기 시흥시 정왕동 2097-10) 시화공단 3마 710호 (정왕동)
Work Location 경기도
Job Type 계약직
Salary Type 시급
Salary 시급 9,860원 이상
Work Days 월, 화, 수, 목, 금
Representative 이명희 Lee Myung-hee
Phone Number 031-319-2489
팩스번호 031-319-2493


Job Description

We are a manufacturing CNC/MCT machining manufacturing company. (Simple work)

Job Requirements

We give preference to those who can handle both CNC/MCT.
One person can manage about 4 machines, and new employees are also welcome to apply.

Working Hours

(AM) 8:30~(AM) 5:30
2 weeks (daytime) 2 weeks (nighttime)

Overtime (잔업), special work available (특근 있음)


It is a simple processing job, and one person is in charge of 2~4 automated machines. Foreigners residing in Korea can also apply, but must be fluent in Korean.

Other Notes

4 Social Securities (4대보험), Retirement Pension (퇴직금), Meals Provided (식사제공)



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