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★2024 Daegu Women's Happiness Job Fair 9.6 (Fri) ~ 9.7 (Sat) (Indirect Company) Recruitment of Foreign Visa Office Assistants (Foreigners Available)

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Application Deadline 2024-11-01
Company Name 행정사사무소 중심 Administrative office center
Company Address 42660 대구 달서구 파도고개로 219 (대구 달서구 두류동 108-10) 가동 2층 202호 (두류동) (두류동)
Work Location 대구광역시
Job Type 계약직
Salary Type 시급
Salary Hourly Wage 9,860원 +
Work Days 월, 화, 수, 목, 금, 토
Required Documents 이력서, 자기소개서
How to Apply 고용센터
Representative 김동욱 Kim Dong Wook
Phone Number 053-213-6842


Job Description

Administrative office foreign visa work administrative assistance, blog promotion. (Support for language interpretation for foreigners visiting the administrative office to apply for employment visas - Vietnamese, Russian - Those who can interpret in everyday language).

Job Requirements

Applicants: Korean nationals are welcome, foreigners with F2/F5/F6 visas are welcome. - Number of employees: 2 people (Mon-Fri 9:00-18:00)
1 part-time person (4 hours per day/5 days a week) / 1 full-time person wanted (5 days a week)

Working Hours

(AM) 9:00 AM - (PM) 6:00 PM


취업 비자 신청차 행정사무소 방문하는  외국인 언어 통역 지원- 베트남어, 러시아어  -일상생활 언어 통역 가능자
Language interpretation support for foreigners visiting administrative offices to apply for employment visas - Vietnamese, Russian - Those who can interpret everyday languages

Other Notes

- Resume submission location: Daegu EXCO East Building 1st floor (Women's Up Expo - Daegu Women's Happiness Job Fair)
- Bring your ID and resume
- Inquiries: Dalseo Women's New Job Center 053-285-1467/ 053-285-1331

*Participate in the event zone and receive a souvenir



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