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Synthetic resin regeneration chip production source

assa72 Message
  • Views 12
Application Deadline 2024-09-11
Company Name (주)동일 Dongil Co., Ltd.
Company Address 40039 경북 성주군 월항면 유월공단길 52 (경북 성주군 월항면 유월리 175-1) (유월리)
Work Location 경상북도
Job Type 계약직
Salary Type 월급
Salary 월급 2,060,740원 이상 ~ 2,060,740원 이하 기본급 기준 상여금 별도 : 100%
Work Days 월, 화, 수, 목, 금
Required Documents 이력서
How to Apply 방문
Representative 최낙중 과장 - Manager Choi Nak-joong
Phone Number 054-933-8818
팩스번호 054-933-8818


Job Description

This is a comprehensive waste recycling business. Simple labor is performed, such as preparing raw materials for raw material regeneration, putting raw materials into the recycling machine, and packaging the produced recycled chips.

Job Requirements

After the period of domestic recruitment efforts, foreigners subject to the employment permit system are expected to be hired.

Working Hours

(AM) 8:00 ~ (PM) 5:00
Break time ((PM) 12:00 ~ (PM) 01:00)


우대사항 바디

Other Notes

4대보험, 퇴직금
외국인 고용허가서 발급용



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