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Facilities Vegetable Cultivation Agricultural Simple Labor

assa72 Message
  • Views 12
Application Deadline 2024-11-02
Company Name 조양육묘장
Company Address 17398 경기 이천시 호법면 동산로396번길 144 (경기 이천시 호법면 주박리 496-1) (주박리)
Work Location 경기도
Job Type 파트타임제
Salary Type 시급
Salary Hourly Wage: 9,860원 +
Work Days 협의
Required Documents 이력서
How to Apply 방문
Representative 조성종 Jo SeongJong
Phone Number 010-6283-6186


Job Description

Vegetable Cultivation Facility

Job Requirements

Foreign applicants prefered

Working Hours

8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Break time 12:00 noon ~01:00 p.m.


Applicants with a driver's license

Other Notes

Dormitory (기숙사), 국민연금, 산재보험, Health Insurance (건강보험), 퇴직금



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