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Harness Cable Manufacturing Staff Recruitment

assa72 Message
  • Views 13
Application Deadline 2024-09-30
Company Name (주)에이비
Company Address 18278 경기 화성시 남양읍 홍난파길87번길 31-28 (경기 화성시 남양읍 활초리 77-8) (활초리)
Work Location 경기도
Job Type 계약직
Salary Type 월급
Salary Month Salary: 2,060,000원 ~ 2,500,000원
Work Days 월, 화, 수, 목, 금
Required Documents 이력서, 자기소개서
How to Apply 방문, 팩스
Representative 한혜숙 Han Hye-sook
Phone Number 031-355-4196
팩스번호 031-357-1572


Job Description

HARNESS CABLE MANUFACTURING Employee Job opening (beginner) Foreigner available (Work visa required)

Job Requirements

Beginners are welcome
Those who can come to the company on their own (no bus provided)

Working Hours

8:30 a.m.~ 5:30 p.m.


A Vehicle owner
A person with experience in making harness cables

Other Notes

4대보험, 퇴직연금, Meals are provided (식사제공)



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