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Autumn Chamber Music Festival

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✦5th Autumn Chamber Music Festival✦

We will select 5 winners from each performance and give them tickets to the 5th Autumn Chamber Music Festival (2 per person). 


Event Details


Invitation date:
September 21 (Thursday) 7:30 PM

Performance location:
IBK Chamber Hall

Participation target:
Gold and Blue members

Application period:
September 1 (Fri) ~ September 15 (Fri) 2023, until 2 PM

Announcement of winners:
Announcement on Seoul Arts Center website and individual SMS notification at 3pm on Friday, September 15

How to apply: Please leave a comment on the event page of the Seoul Arts Center website with your expectations for the performance!

Where to apply:


✶예술의전당 홈페이지 왼쪽 상단에서 ‘이벤트 버튼’을 클릭해 주세요!

#예술의전당 #유료회원 #초대이벤트 #공연초대 #어텀실내악페스티벌 #실내악 #페스티벌



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