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How to do your yearly tax adjustment 연말전상 2024

Admin+63 쪽지
  • 조회 수 826

What is 연말정산 or year-end tax adjustment?

연말정산 (Yeonmal Jeongsan) is the annual year-end tax settlement process for individuals earning income from employment in Korea. During this process, wage earners calculate their income and taxes for the entire year. While employees pay taxes throughout the year through withholding taxes on their salary, bonuses, and severance pay, Yeonmal Jeongsan allows them to reconcile any overpaid or underpaid taxes. If you overpaid, you'll receive a refund, and if you underpaid, you'll need to pay the additional amount later.

When does this take place?

연말정산 covers income earned from January 1st to December 31st of the previous year and takes place between January 15th and March 5th of the current year.

If you are a freelancer, business owner, unemployed, etc. you have to file your taxes in May.


What to prepare:

  • Digital Certificate (Bank) 
  • or an account linked to your Resident Number (Kakaotalk, Phone number, Health insurance, bank, etc.)


How to do your 연말정산 using Hometax (after January 25)



  • Step 1: Visit the hometax website
  • Step 2: Click on the My 홈텍스 button on the upper right of the screen
  • Step 3: Click on 간편인증 (인간인증), then 간편인증
  • Step 4: Select an account connected to your Resident Card. In this case, click on Kakaotalk
  • Step 5: Type in your Name, Birthday, and Phone number
  • Step 6: Click on 전체동의 to agree to the terms and conditions
  • Step 7: Click on 인증 요청
  • Step 8: On your Kakaotalk app on your phone, you should get a message from kakao wallet.
    • Step 9: Click on the 인증하기 button
    • Step 10: Agree to the required terms and conditions
    • Step 11: Enter your password
    • Then click on the OK button
  • Step 12: At the Hometax website click on 인증 완료
  • Step 13: Click on the 장려금-연말정산 전자기부금 button
  • Step 14: Scroll down until the 연말정산 간소화 portion. Click on the 연말정산 포털 바로가기 button
  • Step 15: For Employees, click on the 근로자 소득 - 새액공제 자료조회실 

Downloading your documents

  • Step 1: Select the desired year and month for the tax adjustment or just click on a box to view the items for the current year
  • Step 2: Click on the magnifying glass button below the desired field (example: 건강보험 Donation). Do the same for all the fields to check your recorded expenses
  • Step 3: Click on the 한번에 내려받기 button to download the documents to be submitted to your company
  • Step 4: Select 개인정보 공개 if you want to show your personal information or 개인정보 비공게 if you want to hide your personal information
  • Step 5: Click on the 내려받기 button to download the documents
  • Step 6: Submit the pdf file to your company


Video (Before January 25, 2024):


How to do your 연말정산 using Hometax (on your computer) shortcut

Log in your account

  • Step 1: Visit the Hometax website between January 15~25, 2024
  • If you have attempted to do the 연말정산 after January 25, follow the steps here 
  • Step 2: Click on the 연말정산간소화 (공제자료조회/발급) 바로가기 button
  • Step 3: Type in your Name (성명) and Resident Number (주민등록번호) 
    • Check the 전체동의 option
  • Step 4: Click on the 공동-금융인증서 로그인 to login your account using your Digital Certificate OR Click on the 간편인증 로그인 to use your accounts connected to your Resident Number
  • Step 5: Select the account you want to use for verification (here we have selected kakaotalk)
  • Step 6: Type in your Name as written on your Resident Card, Birthdate, Phone number
  • Step 7: Click on the 전체동의 button then click on the 인증요청 button
  • Step 8: Check your kakaotalk account on your phone (do not leave the hometax page) and look for the message from 카카오지갑 
  • Step 9: Click on the 인증하기 to start the verification process
  • Step 10: Click on "[Required] consent to the provision of personal information"  then click on the Verify button
  • Step 11: Type in your password then click on OK
  • Step 12: Go back to the hometax page and click on the 인증 완료 button
  • Once your identity has been verified, you will be loged into your account and you can now proceed with downloading your documents

Downloading your documents

  • Step 1: Select the desired year and month for the tax adjustment or just click on a box to view the items for the current year
  • Step 2: Click on the magnifying class button below the desired field (example: 건강보험 Donation). Do the same for all the fields to check your recorded expenses
  • Step 3: Click on the 한번에 내려받기 button to download the documents to be submitted to your company
  • Step 4: Select 개인정보 공개 if you want to show your personal information or 개인정보 비공게 if you want to hide your personal information
  • Step 5: Click on the 내려받기 button to download the documents
  • Step 6: Submit the pdf file to your company


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